
Showing posts from September, 2013

black methods and the darkest region of hell.

The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is an ancient Sanskrit scripture that contains the essence of all Vedic wisdom, recording the teachings of the Lord's devotees, as well as those of the Lord in many of His incarnations. In this Thirtieth Chapter of the Third Canto, an incarnation of Kṛṣṇa's named Kapiladeva graphically describes the results of sin. Śrīla Prabhupāda explains the texts in his purports. TEXT 1: The Personality of Godhead said, "As a mass of clouds does not know the powerful influence of the wind, a person engaged in material consciousness does not know the powerful strength of the time factor, by which he is being carried." PURPORT: The great politician-paṇḍita named Cāṇakya said that even one moment of time cannot be returned, even if one is prepared to pay millions of dollars. One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time. Whether materially or spiritually, one should be very alert in utilizing the time which he has at his disposal. A...

seriously need money seek shelter of the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa and surrender to him

On the whole, when the distressed, the inquisitive, the seekers of knowledge, and those who are in need of money are free from all material desires, and when they fully understand that material remuneration has nothing to do with spiritual improvement, they become pure devotees. Those who are always busy with fruitive activities come to the Lord in material distress and at that time associate with pure devotees and become, in their distress, devotees of the Lord. Those who are simply frustrated also come sometimes to associate with the pure devotees and become inquisitive to know about God. Similarly, when the dry philosophers are frustrated in every field of knowledge, they sometimes want to learn of God, and they come to the Supreme Lord to render devotional service and thus transcend knowledge of the impersonal Brahman and the localized Paramātmā and come to the personal conception of Godhead by the grace of the Supreme Lord or His pure devotee. On the whole, when the distressed, th...


This material world is just like a prison house; it is a punishing place meant to bring us to that point of becoming disgusted, surrendering at last to Kṛṣṇa, and going back to our original nature of eternal life in bliss and complete knowledge. Therefore it is to the credit of these devotees that they have done what is, very rare among all men in human society. By surrendering to Kṛṣṇa one will find the final object in which to invest his love: God. Love of God is present in everyone, just like fire in an unlit match, but it is covered over. But if one somehow or other develops his dormant love of God, and Kṛṣṇa becomes his supreme adorable object, supreme friend, supreme master, or supreme lover, than he shall never again become disappointed or unhappy. Rather, because his loving propensity is rightfully placed: The devotee whose life is surrendered to Kṛṣṇa is always enjoying “great satisfaction and bliss,” and he is constantly enlightened, always positive, not negative, as you say....


Astral travel basics. How to practice astral travel telepathy and Dream control. Material education without spiritual knowledge, is leading us to a global catastrophe on Earth. Technology advancement should ASSIST in the spiritual development and not be used (as it is used now) to confine and enslave people within a monetary system and materialistic world, which are both temporary anyway. The danger does NOT lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe: the danger exists in the WAY in which one LIVES. There is nothing in the Universe to be afraid of, except our own ignorance and its consequences. We live on Earth to develop our consciousness, awareness and understanding of the specific aspects of laws of God and the Universe. What we think we “know” on Earth is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge, within the universe This page provides a basic information on Astral Travel and Telepathic Communication to get you started. It is based on my personal experience inspi...

truly positive thinking can generate supernatural healing

No doctor, no drugs or any object has ever truly HEALED anyone. They can only assist if they act in harmony with the Laws of God or nature. Our mind body system is designed to HEAL ITSELF. All we need to do is to THINK POSITIVELY TO REMOVE OBSTACLES from the body and from the mind. This can be accomplished with or without the help of others. If you cut your finger with a sharp object, the wound HEALS ITSELF and if the damage is not extensive, the repair job is SO perfect, that after a few weeks you cannot even remember which finger was hurt. Even the fingerprints are reconstructed. Of course self-healing is not limited to scratches and bruises. Exactly the same self- healing processes occur ALL THE TIME in ALL POSSIBLE organs of the body system. Even if we abuse our body, it tries to heal itself, unless the damage is extensive and we continue negative habits for years. Severe illnesses are largely result of our complete ignorance on both: the physical level (diet, poisoning, lifestyle...


Meditation is frequently confused with various forms of concentration. The purpose of concentration exercises is to focus our full undivided attention on a specific aspect of functioning of our mind and/or the body in order to accomplish a certain goal or develop a certain skill. Exercises such as yoga, tai-chi, breathing exercises, visualization are all forms of concentration. In contrast, meditation is an exercise, aiming to prevent thoughts in a natural way, by deeply relaxing the physical body and then trying to keep the mind completely absolve with the thoughts of a particular deity or form of the lord. This state may be maintained for a few seconds or a few hours, depending on your skill. Purity of the mind achieved during meditation is essential to gain access to Self-realization. as Our Higher Self does not admit any impurities. To attend self-realization it is best to concentrate on the source of the "inner sound", leading to the "inner conciousness" - a...